Thursday, November 8, 2007

Beasts of the Earth Praise the LORD

These magnificent fellows are Oberhasli Buck Goats. They were disbudded to prevent horn growth when they were kids, so their magnificence is somewhat diminished, but their sexual energy, fueled by a fully functioning testosterone storehouse between their legs, fills the air with its pungent aroma if you are anywhere in their vicinity. They are gentle, though powerful and truly smelly beasts.
We took our beautiful, tall and slender young maiden doe, Claire, to visit Vito, the stocky fellow on the right, the other day. She was eager to go. Hormones surging, she needed little urging. He was eagerly waiting and hastily accommodating.

The sounds, smells, sights and seasons of the barnyard ground my soul in the Source Who Provides for each according to their kind. I am profoundly thankful for this simple miracle of creation that takes place each fall. Claire will bring forth kids in the springtime. She will provide her very own life force to nourish them. We will drink the excess, blessed by a humble goat who willingly gives us what God has given her. She worships and praises her Creator through her gift of service to mankind. " Praise the LORD...Beasts and all cattle...Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!" Psalm 148, 150.

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