Sunday, October 7, 2007

Season's Last Brandywines

I've been struggling to grow tomatoes here in this high and dry desert climate for several years. Brandywines are the one and only variety recommended for our area by the local native plant nursery. After trying and failing with all the Early Girls and other commercial nursery varieties, I finally tried them this year. Had to grow them from seed. They're very round, truly red and made great salsa. Finally got lucky! Here's the last ripe pair from the garden. First frost will come any day. Finally got around to painting them, too. They were delish!
5" x 7"
$75.00 postage paid in the USA. Purchase

1 comment:

Diana Moses Botkin said...

This is beautiful, Katy! Love the scarlets and rosy reds in these luscious fruits. Keep up the good work.