Thursday, September 13, 2012

Indian Paintbrush

I've been trying to cultivate some Indian Paintbrush in our front courtyard ever since we moved to this house, about 13 years ago.  They are  hemiparasitic, depending on host plants to supply water and nutrients, and will only grow near native grasses, in this case, near a patch of Buffalo and Blue Gramma planted for this sole purpose. Even fully grown plants lack a well-developed root system and will not grow successfully without a host plant.  The flowers are inconspicuous; it is the bright red bracts beneath each flower that catch your eye.   From the original plant that I was successful in growing, many more have come until the small area just outside my front door is ablaze with their fire most of the summer.
I this painting, I was intrigued by the sharp shadows the Paintbrush cast in the final moments of the setting sun.
9" x 12" oil on canvas board.

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